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Routes are prefixed with /mod_mu/, all requests must have a key parameter (i.e. muKey in config) and have WebAPI functionality enabled in the panel. All return values are json encoded unless otherwise noted.


RouteMethodParametersReturn ValueDescription
/usersGETnode_idSee the following tableGet the users that can be connected to the currently requested node (as determined by the node_id parameter)
Node TypeReturn Data
Shadowsocksmethod, node_speedlimit, port, passwd
Shadowsocks2022method, node_speedlimit, passwd(base64 encoded)
TUICnode_speedlimit, passwd, uuid
Vmessnode_speedlimit, uuid
Trojannode_speedlimit, uuid

Note that Shadowsocks node type is Multi Port Mode Only, and Shadowsocks2022 node type is Single Port Multi-User Mode Only, any MU implementation not using Shadowsocks2022 protocol is Not standard compliant, thus we will not support such implementation in any way.

/users/trafficPOSTnode_id, u, d, user_idReport user traffic usage

/users/aliveipPOSTnode_id, ip, user_idReport the current online IP of the user

/users/detectlogPOSTnode_id, list_id, user_idDetect rule id for reporting user


RouteMethodParametersReturn ValueDescription
/nodes/{id}/infoGETnode_idnode_speedlimit, sort, server, custom_config, type, versionGet the node settings for the current requesting node


RouteMethodParametersReturn ValueDescription
/func/detect_rulesGETN/ArulesGet current detect rules

RouteMethodParametersReturn ValueDescription
/func/pingGETN/AN/APing? Pong!