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NeXT Panel is a typical PHP web application that requires the following server programs to work properly

  • HTTP server. For performance reasons we recommend Nginx as the web server.
  • A PHP script runtime to run the program. The current version of NeXT Panel is developed and tested on PHP version 8.3 with PHP-FPM and OPcache enabled.
  • MySQL-like database. We recommend using the latest LTS version of MariaDB. The current version of NeXT Panel is developed and tested on MariaDB version 11.4.
  • Redis key-value pair database, mainly used for storing non-persistent data to reduce IOPS on the main Database. The current version of NeXT Panel was developed and tested based on Redis version 7.2(Valkey, an open-source Redis fork should work as well).

At the code level, NeXT Panel uses Slim Framework 4.x as the backend framework, Eloquent as the database ORM, Smarty 5.x and Twig 3.x template engines to provide html template rendering, and Composer to manage third-party libraries and dependencies.


NeXT Panel can run on relatively low-performance Linux systems, but for user experience reasons, we recommend at least 2GB of available system memory for OPcache and database to use, reducing disk IO consumption.

